Mendel Brain

What is anxiety?

Anxiety and stress are normal emotions that we all experience to some extent. However, when these emotions become excessive and begin to affect our ability to lead a normal life, they can develop into anxiety and stress disorders.
Although anxiety and the stress response may have some similar symptoms, there are key differences between them:

  • Anxiety is characterised by excessive worry and fear, i.e. it is primarily a cognitive phenomenon with an impact on our organism.
  • Stress, on the other hand, refers to the activation of our nervous system in response to a specific event (a challenge or threat) and is primarily a physiological phenomenon in which cortisol and other hormones are released.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

The symptoms of this disorder are very varied and depend to a large extent on the conditions of the individual, both physical and psychological. However, some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Constant and excessive worrying.
  • Problems concentrating.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Fatigue and lack of energy.
  • Hypervigilance or muscle tension.
  • Increased heart rate
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • Feeling of imminent danger, panic or catastrophe.
  • How do I know if I have an anxiety disorder?

How do I know if I have an anxiety disorder?

This disorder often involve episodes in which feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror come on suddenly and reach a peak within minutes. This is called a panic attack or anxiety attack.
People suffering from this disorders often experience several of the symptoms described above on a persistent basis, and the feelings of anxiety or panic they experience are difficult to control and interfere with their daily life activities. In fact, in order to prevent these feelings and sensations, they may avoid certain places or situations.
Not all people are the same and some of us may be more vulnerable to stress and at greater risk of developing disorders. Fortunately, nowadays there are tools that allow us to discover our predisposition to these problems.

Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life, however, it is important that you pay attention to your symptoms and try to incorporate habits that will help you keep your stability; however, if your symptoms persist and you think you may have problems, it is important to seek professional help. Anxiety is a treatable condition and there are many prevention and treatment options available, but it is important that a psychological professional carries out a proper assessment so that they can provide you with guidelines that are tailored to your case.

What does a panic attack or anxiety crisis feel like?

Panic attacks are short-term episodes of excessive worry and intense fear. If you are having a panic attack, you may feel overwhelmed and very upset and may even feel afraid of fainting or dying. Some common symptoms of a panic attack include:

  • Palpitations or rapid heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Difficulty breathing or choking
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or abdominal pain
  • Feeling of dizziness or unreality
  • Loss of control or feeling of being on the verge of losing control

If you feel you are having a panic attack, it is important to seek immediate help. Panic attacks can be very frightening, but there are techniques that can help control the symptoms and prevent future attacks. You don’t have to deal with anxiety attacks on your own, help is available.

7 tips to combat anxiety

If you suffer from this disorder because of the stressors you face in your day-to-day life, here are 7 tips that can help you control your symptoms and live a calmer life:

  1. Practice slow, deep breathing. This can help calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety.
  2. Exercise regularly. Exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall well-being.
  3. Avoid alcohol and drugs. These substances can increase the risk of developing the condition in the long term..
  4. Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining mental and physical health.
  5. Use relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga. These techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  6. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. A healthy diet can improve your mental and physical well-being.
  7. Seek professional help if you feel you can’t manage the disorder on your own. Therapists and other mental health professionals can provide support and effective treatment for anxiety.