What do we mean when we talk about psychological well-being? In general, we associate this concept with good health, economic stability or a stable employment situation. However, we usually leave aside other aspects that are also part of our psychological well-being, such as the ability to face challenges in a positive way, the development of our skills or self-fulfillment.
How do we reach this state of psychological well-being?
When we talk about psychological well-being, we are actually referring to a bodily and emotional state that encompasses different aspects. Specifically, for psychologist Carol Riff, psychological well-being is composed of 6 dimensions:
- Autonomy
- Personal growth
- Self-concept
- Purpose in life
- Mastery of the environment
- Positive relationships with others
Now, what can we do in our daily lives to improve our state of well-being, what habits and behaviors can we optimize to achieve an improvement in our psychological well-being?
Knowing ourselves better and better is the key to face situations that may be difficult for us, and that may even be conditioned, to a certain extent, by our DNA. Therefore, a genetic test will be very helpful for us to know and work on those characteristics that are necessary.
5 Habits to improve psychological well-being
1. Take care of your sleep
Sleep is fundamental when we talk about well-being. When we sleep, our body recovers from all the stress and work it has done during the day, both physically and mentally. Having a good sleep hygiene is a key aspect to ensure that the state of well-being is maintained over time and we start the day with good expectations.
In general, it is advisable to maintain a sleep cycle of about 7-8 hours a day and, as far as possible, that these hours are always rested at the same time of day to have a well-regulated cycle. However, if you can not sleep well, TV is not your ally, here are some tips to help you fall asleep.
2. Do sports and eat healthy
We usually associate sport with physical well-being, leaving aside its influence on psychological well-being. Practicing sports on a regular basis causes our brain to secrete chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, which has a direct impact on our happiness and well-being. Studies show that 20-30 minutes of moderate physical exercise (jogging, walking, cycling, etc.) is enough to obtain these benefits.
In the same way, eating well is essential for our body to have the nutrients and vitamins needed to face all the challenges of everyday life with energy and determination. Avoid as much as possible ultra-processed foods and industrial pastries, prioritizing vegetables or fruits as snacks between meals.
3. Train your emotional intelligence
Emotions are part of us, so accepting them and learning to regulate them correctly is a challenge that we must face in order to improve our well-being. Nowadays there are many applications and emotional education plans that can help us to improve our emotional intelligence and thus improve our satisfaction and psychological well-being.
Emotional intelligence involves knowing how to recognize, regulate and interpret the emotions and feelings that we identify in ourselves and in others.
4. Set realistic goals
One of the most important dimensions proposed by Riff to explain psychological well-being is that of «purpose in life». Unfortunately, for many people, rather than being a dimension of well-being, it is an open door to frustration and negative emotions.
It is important that when we set goals, whether short, medium or long term, we are realistic with our abilities and level of development at that moment. Most of the time, it is not about whether or not we are capable of achieving certain goals, but our level of motivation and capabilities developed up to that moment to face the challenges that our goals entail.
5. Practice some kind of meditation
When we talk about meditation we refer to techniques of self-knowledge and mindfulness such as Mindfulness. This type of exercises practiced for 15-20 minutes a day are very useful to connect with ourselves, with our feelings and emotions. They help us to reflect, evaluate and accept our daily life in an adaptive way.