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Mendel Brain
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Proyecto genética aplicada a la psicologia
Proyecto Twinning
Proyecto Activa Startup
Aprende con Mendel
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Simposio científico
Quienes somos
Working 4 days a week: A global study confirms the benefits
24 de abril de 2023
The secret to happiness could be in your genes
20 de marzo de 2023
Behavioural genetics: How do genetics influence behaviour?
6 de marzo de 2023
Non-suicidal self-harm in adolescents: What is it and how to help?
1 de marzo de 2023
Symptoms of depression: How do I know if I have depression?
20 de febrero de 2023
5 personality traits that increase happiness as a couple
13 de febrero de 2023
What is dyslexia and how to detect it early?
6 de febrero de 2023
Do you have anxiety? 7 tips to combat anxiety
31 de enero de 2023
Genetics in children: How to find the best after-school activity for your child
24 de enero de 2023
5 characteristics of people with neuroticism
5 de enero de 2023
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