Mendel Brain

Happiness in a couple is a fundamental aspect of any relationship. When two people are happy together, their level of emotional well-being increases, their relationship is strengthened and, indirectly, there is an improvement in many areas of their lives. Therefore, numerous researchers have tried to elucidate which factors increase happiness in couples. And although the effects found are sometimes modest, a large number of studies suggest that personality is a key factor in determining the quality of romantic relationships.

What personality traits are associated with greater happiness in a couple?

To begin with, it is important to note that no personality trait is either positive or negative. As well as that people of all personality types, as long as they do not suffer from a severe personality disorder, are capable of having satisfying and meaningful romantic relationships. However, there are certain personality characteristics that have been consistently associated with greater happiness as a couple. So, if you are looking for the person to start your next relationship with, pay attention to the following indicators:

1. Extraversion

People who are in a relationship with an extrovert tend to experience, on average, greater happiness as a couple than those who are in a relationship with an introvert. This is often because extroverts are energised by the company of others and generally prefer to go out and spend time with family and friends rather than stay at home all the time. In the long run, although we may sometimes feel a bit lazy about going out, sharing time and activities with other people enriches us on many levels, thus improving our satisfaction with the relationship.

2. Responsibility

A certain degree of responsibility has also been shown to be a desirable characteristic in the pursuit of happiness as a couple. Responsible people fulfil their commitments consistently. They do what they say they will do, which avoids many arguments and provides a sense of security and confidence.

3. Kindness

People with high levels of kindness are compassionate and considerate of others, tend to resolve conflicts peacefully, and are often skilled at showing their love. They are easy to get along with because they are not easily annoyed, which allows you to feel calm around them and be yourself. This makes them a very attractive romantic partner, making kindness a very desirable trait to increase happiness in a couple.

4. Empathy

Empathy is a very important quality for relating to others and, in particular, for satisfaction in romantic relationships. People with high levels of empathy are able to understand each other’s feelings and put themselves in the other person’s shoes. This makes them more likely to detect their partner’s needs and desires. In addition, they are often able to express how they feel effectively, while being careful not to hurt the other person, which leads to greater emotional connection and greater happiness as a couple.

5. Openness to experience

Openness to experience also seems to play an important role in couple happiness, or at least among younger adults. In fact, a study conducted during the pandemic, which looked at 75 unmarried couples aged 18-35, found that openness to experience accounted for 17% of relationship satisfaction. This may be because people with high levels of this trait tend to be more open to new experiences and have higher levels of acceptance. This is related to a higher quality of communication and less monotony in the relationship.

Personality traits that decrease happiness in couples

High neuroticism in one partner is probably the personality trait that has been most negatively associated with love life satisfaction. People with neuroticism tend to be more emotionally unstable and tend to experience difficulties in recovering from intense negative emotions. In addition, they tend to be overwhelmed by stress and to experience negative emotional states and dissatisfaction. These tendencies can spill over to the partner and even their sex life and, in the long run, create tension and mutual dissatisfaction within the relationship, which can end up lowering the levels of happiness in the couple.

On the other hand, high levels of impulsivity have also been associated with increased relationship dissatisfaction. This could be because highly impulsive people tend to have problems communicating assertively and are more likely to make decisions on the spot. This, without considering the consequences for themselves or their partner, often increases the amount of conflict in the relationship and decreases happiness as a couple.

Despite all these findings, people with all personality types, especially if they do not have extreme tendencies, can have satisfying and long-lasting relationships. The most important thing is to get to know yourself and each other, to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what things you can work on to improve your relationship, achieve greater happiness as a couple and have a more fulfilling life.